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First big cock try as dildo for petite gf

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6 ani în urmă
dyson123 commonDateAgo
Watching and listening to her take that big dildo and knowing this isn't fake makes it so fucking hot. I think he wanted her to say how much she loved that big dildo
seth1805 commonDateAgo
commonTo PsyGuy0 : Right.   But you see how they respond to size, it's totally different.
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PsyGuy0 commonDateAgo
commonTo gama_tin_gunaika_mou : Es dauert eine Weile, bis sich die Muschi einer Frau weitet und öffnet. Meine Ex war so und wir mussten an ihr arbeiten, damit sie den größten Teil von mir aufnehmen konnte

(It takes a little while for a woman's pussy to dilate and open up. My ex was like that and we would have to work on her so she could take most of me)
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PsyGuy0 commonDateAgo
commonTo seth1805 : Or they haven't had a bigger cock...
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sahmgr commonDateAgo
"I just washed the bedsheets." IMHO, that is a dealbreaker, she is NOT a keeper.